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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is an anxiety disorder where the patient experiences intrusive irresistible thoughts (obsession) that produces anxiety, fear, and uneasiness. The patient ends up in repetitive behavior (compulsion). The patient may realize that his thoughts and actions are irrational and may be further distressed on this realization. This disorder is also termed as Obsessive Compulsive Neurosis (OCN). It is the fourth most common mental disorder. OCD may affect children, adolescents as well as adults. One in 60 adults all over the world is diagnosed with OCD.

Causative factors:

Genetic dominance: Genetic factors form the major cause of OCD. Patients having this condition are quite often found to have a familial history of this condition. Environmental factors: Abuse, illness, the death of loved ones, business loss, acute fear, etc are some of the important factors which can cause or excite OCD.Neurological disease: Tissue changes in the brain(temporal lobe lesions, low-level of neurotransmitters)may be instrumental for causing OCD personality traits: The obsessive trait is more prevalent in people with low confidence.


The precise pathology is not completely understood. According to a school of thought, obsessions seem to have their origin in anxiety. OCD patients cannot escape this anxiety & therefore develop compulsion in an attempt to reduce or prevent the feared consequences. Reduction in anxiety reinforces the compulsive behavior.

To read more about ” Obsessive Compulsive Disorder ” download the case study now!

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